Welcome to Village School
A private, secular, non-denominational, co-educational primary school.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to Village School.
Our bushland setting
We’re a small ‘boutique’ style school tucked away in a bushland environment on the banks of Brushy Creek. This place was chosen because it gives the children the space to play and build cubbies using natural materials. It also means the children learn to understand and respect their environment as they interact with animals and planting programs as part of the school curriculum. We believe combining the academic program with farm work, horse riding and gardening develops resourcefulness, reliability and resilience.
These programs also empower a greater variety of students to be leaders in our community, alongside those who naturally step up through our classroom programs, sport or the arts. Empowerment is a keyword at Village School. The children run their daily meetings, their group meetings and their whole school meetings. The teachers and the children often brainstorm ideas for their ‘big picture’ focus for each term. Consultation and democratic processes shape the ongoing activities in the school and the children are often instigators of fundraisers, event days, ideas for performances and rules around the school.
The arts
The arts play a strong role in Village School. One term each year has a whole school performance as the main focus. The teaching themes will relate to the theme of the performance and the whole school will be involved in making props, costumes, sets and backdrops. The older children design the tickets, the program cover and content and design the advertising for our immediate community. Real life learning means giving a real-life context for the children’s tasks and the performance supplies the best vehicle for this.
Looking to the future
The challenge for all schools in the 21st century is not only to keep abreast of all the technological changes and innovations but also to keep sight of the bigger picture; educating the whole child for life. Practices will come and go, robots will become teachers, and curriculum content will vary as generations change, but principles and ethics are timeless.
Our vision
Our aim is that each child leaves Village School with the belief that they have the ability and the means to make real choices about their futures. They learn that not only do they have rights but so do all the people around them. If we can help our children start to develop a ‘world view’ of inclusiveness and sustainability, showing care and empathy for others and feeling confident about their own worth and their place in the scheme of things, then we’ll know we’ve done a good job.
~ Ashley Penny, Principal
Being a Village teacher means you haven’t forgotten how to play and have fun. They dress up, not only themselves but their classrooms as well, so that the children are surrounded by inspiration and creativity. Village School teachers know that relationships are the most important thing they need to develop with their students, if they are going to get the best out of them.
Children need to feel accepted and their actions validated in order to feel safe to take risks with their learning. Our teachers love watching their students learn and grow, and are also willing to give children the freedom to make their own decisions and take charge of their learning journey.
They’re there every step of the way, watching your child blossom, and tailoring learning activities to challenge and stretch them, and bring out their best.
And our administrative staff are always ready with a helping hand or a gentle suggestion to ensure that your child’s day is enjoyable and productive.
Our staff members are also real people, with their own lives and challenges, and work to model the kind of creative, open-minded, resourceful behaviours we aim to instil in your children.
We celebrate our staff for the wonderful, warm-hearted and adaptable human beings that they are, and appreciate all of their hard work to nurture your children and support our school.
Village School expects their teachers to really engage with each student and form a relationship of trust and mutual respect. The teachers need to model this respectful behaviour to the children and that manifests itself in the following ways.
Teachers are addressed by their first name, exactly as the children are.
Teachers sit on the floor or on the couches with the children during class meetings run by the children.
Teachers must put up their hands to be able to speak in those meetings.
Teachers address the children in the same tone of voice that they would use to talk to their colleagues.
If it’s a hat wearing term, or the children need to don boots the teachers must do the same.
On dress up days, or other events teachers dress up accordingly.
Although teachers need to lead learning sessions they don’t spend a long time talking or lecturing to the children. Rather they will design their lessons to be interactive, child centred and emphasise the ‘doing’ aspect
Our teachers welcome mistakes, either their own or the children’s, as they see the value of learning through making mistakes ,and they need to communicate that to the children
We encourage open and honest interactions between adults and children, and we expect our teachers to honour the children’s ideas and feelings and work towards friendly collaborations between adults and children.
Our Staff after our recent Colour Run
The Village School Experience
“It’s so refreshing to be at a school which recognises that each learner is an individual who will develop at different speeds both academically and emotionally. Ashley’s positive, inclusive and flexible manner has given our child the invaluable opportunity to experience steady and transformative success that is sure to last a lifetime. We are forever grateful for the support we have received at Village school - thank you to everyone there who has helped make such a difference!”
“This is one of the best schools I’ve ever encountered. Children study in small classes with a lot of time for free activities and a big emphasis on independence and personal projects. Boundaries between age groups are intentionally blurred – older children are encouraged to be helping out the younger ones. There is a lot of outdoor area with various terrains. There are chickens and ponies that children learn to take care of (and ride!). Every time I come here I wish I was young enough to study in this school! One of the best markers for how kids themselves enjoy the school is that the ones who have already graduated keep coming to check things out, play with children, and to help out with school performance and smaller chores.”
“My daughter is now bouncing out of bed eager to go - a vast change from our usual mornings when she would cry her heart out begging not to go. She loves every aspect of Village, from the classrooms overall vibe, the indoor / outdoor flexible learning approach, the lack of uniform and homework (something I love too! ) to the way she plays with her peers. I’ve heard stories of her lunchtime play which have shown a vast array of imaginative, intricate play. Something I’ve never heard her report from mainstream school lunches; where it was just tag or play equipment. This in itself shows me what a wonderful time she has ahead of her at Village school.”
Our Approach
We inspire young children to discover and learn in a supportive, caring environment.
School Community
We welcome parents and friends to our close-knit, warm and engaged community.
School History
Village School has been in operation since 1982, and although it has evolved over the years to suit the needs of the school community, it has successfully maintained its original vision.
The Village School Experience
“I went to village school from prep to grade 5. It was an amazing experience for me. Everyday was an adventure at village school. The teachers were lovely and always there to help out. And all the students learned at there own pace. Learning was always made fun and engaging. And village had there own farm and the students helped look after the animals. Village school is an amazing school. And I have so many fond memory’s from it.”
“If only all schools could be like Village School. A beautiful place where children learn the way they should. Where the teachers inspire your children to learn and explore, where the focus is on your child and not on naplan scores and big school numbers.”
“Five stars for Village School. It has reignited my daughter’s love and passion for learning, exploring and questioning. After being let down by mainstream education it’s very refreshing to find such a forward thinking place that’s not busy pushing your little ones into the same mold. A beautiful community. Thankyou village.”