Health and Physical Education

We include a range of experiences to help students appreciate and apply their skills at school and at home, to create health and well-being.

In our increasingly complex and sedentary world, students need the ability to evaluate information and take action to protect and enhance the well-being, safety and health of themselves and those around them.

General capabilities

The study of health and physical movement helps to refine students’ abilities in other curriculum areas.

  • Reading, understanding and presenting health information

  • Recording data on health and movement; counting and scorekeeping

  • Researching health information using ICT resources

  • Evaluating health advice and making decisions about the best options

  • Working collaboratively in teams and learning to manage their own health

  • Understanding the consequences of different health and movement choices

  • Appreciating the differences in health and movement between cultures

Health and physical education at Village School

We bring health to life in a variety of ways at Village School, ensuring that it stays meaningful and relevant to students while recognising that the learning process is just as important as the outcome. Physical Education provides the opportunity to take risks and achieve personal challenges while at the same time focusing on cooperative behaviour. Most importantly, it is a source of enjoyment and personal fulfilment.

Our integrated approach to health and physical education is evident in many of our learning activities, and our flexible educational style allows us to adapt specific tasks to accommodate individual student’s talents and passions.

Health is not taught as an individual subject but is addressed through broader themes.

For example:

  • A theme on Growth teaches the children about what helps them grow a healthy body.

  • The theme “My Product Rules” talks about the ingredients in foods, the percentages of the different ingredients and the ensuing discussions about food additives.

  • A theme about Colour looks at the way the new food pyramid is divided into green, yellow and red foods.

We take advantage of other learning activities – such as the school performance and our school farm chores – to incorporate movement and an appreciation of health into our daily school lives. Teachers also incorporate movement breaks during work times, either indoors or out.

The gardening program includes planting healthy choices and then cooking them, as a way of promoting healthy living. The bush tucker garden also teaches the children about traditional indigenous foods and medicines.

We offer specialist programs and activities to reinforce the key concepts of health and movement, including our weekly sports program, cooking activities, our school camps and our diverse outdoor playground.

swimming lessons at croydon pool
child learning tennis one of 4 sport rotations

Examples of health and physical education activities

Our students develop an appreciation of health and physical education by engaging in fun, practical activities, like the ones below.