Keep your kids safe online with a free cyber safety education session
Although we are all aware that computers are playing an ever-increasing role in children’s education, we are also aware of the disadvantages and even dangers that come with this technology. Schools are doing their utmost to ensure that all children receive the best education they can during these trying times, and a lot of the time they are doing this via computers and online programs. There are many benefits to be found online but there are also many dangers that both children and parents may not fully understand, putting young users at a very real risk of harm. In order to protect children, parents need to be active participants in their child's online world, and identify, understand and manage the risks. The internet is an adult world and you are the gatekeepers to your child’s online world so make sure you are educated. Your children are depending on it!
Attend a free information session
Village School cares deeply about this issue and is hosting a free Cyber Safety education session for parents by a renowned expert on Cyber Education, Susan McLean, one of the first Federal Government Certified ‘esafety’ presenters. Susan’s quest is to ensure that parents have a full understanding of the possible outcomes when young children are left unsupervised on their computers or iPads.Village School is providing this event free of charge on Thursday 21st October at 7:30 PM for Village School’s parents and also for parents from our surrounding kindergartens and childcare centres.
Event Details
Date: Thursday, 21st October 2021
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Online, hosted by Village School
Cost: Free