A note from Ashley

Welcome to my first official community news article. I am so excited to be permanently in the driving seat. I have had contact with Tanya during the break and, to date, she is enjoying her retirement from the principal’s role. I am very pleased that she will continue working with us as the performing arts teacher in 2022. As previously mentioned, it was wonderful working alongside her during Term 4 in 2021. I further developed my understanding and knowledge of how the school ‘ticks’ and what are important aspects for the community.

It was exciting last week to visit classrooms and see our students engaged in so many different learning activities. The school was buzzing with excitement. Thank you to the parents for making the week a special one.

The students, and some parents, have commented on the wonderful state of our beautiful campus. During the month of January, we had a team of people who supported the school and completed a big tidy-up. This level of maintenance is not finished yet and we have bigger projects to complete. There will be the need for a working bee this term. More information will come out soon. I am working with the School Board to ensure the school and facilities are the best that we can provide.

With any change of management will come different approaches to routines and operations. Moving forward, I will certainly be reflecting on my previously learnt knowledge about the school and navigating change and future direction for the school accordingly. Please note that my focus is on improving learning and teaching opportunities for the students as they are our number one priority for the school.

To start the ball rolling for 2022, parents/carers are invited to a Parents Information Evening this Wednesday afternoon. This event will take place either on the oval in front of the Hall or in the amphitheatre. Parents are encouraged to bring a picnic rug and snacks/dinner from 5 pm and the first session will start approximately at 5:45 pm. Parents/carers will hear about the ‘cycle of learning' that is being emphasised this year. Class teachers will then present their planned curriculum from 6:30 pm, in an outdoor space. The evening should finish by 7:00 pm. The planned curriculum should be viewed as an outline rather than the teaching and learning program. I will email each group the content from the specialist teachers later in the week.

Please remember to social distance when you place your rugs around in the designated areas outside. Masks are to be worn at all times unless you are sitting down and eating and/or drinking. Please be aware of the weather conditions and come prepared. COVID-19 certificates will need to be viewed on arrival at the check-in desk. This rule applies to anyone who is at the age of 12 years and 2 months except for current students who are enrolled at the school. Anyone who is unable to attend will have the opportunity to attend the meeting via a digital platform.

We have a few staff updates to share with you. This year Samantha in the 3/4 group will be with us 5 days a week and Flora Leung has been appointed as our language teacher. She will teach Mandarin to each group every Thursday. Stacey Clark has joined us as a learning support officer. She replaces Sam who was, fortunate for him but sad for us, offered a position during his recent work placement. Carmel will be working in Melissa’s room and providing cover for her class. Finally, Rachel Staley will be joining us this term as she completes her final work placement as a learning support officer. She will be working in the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.Best wishes for the week ahead. Hope to meet many of you this Wednesday afternoon at the Information Evening.



Celebrating Chinese New Year Village School Style


Recording the performance vocal and music tracks