Getting closer to a full return to school, cyber safety and costumes

Getting closer to everyone coming back to school, which will be happening after our mid-term break, on Wednesday 3rd November NOT Friday. What a great day that’ll be!

Cyber Safety information session

Thursday night’s Cyber Safety with Susan McLean went ahead, despite a very low turnout of two or three parents, and a couple of people outside the community. Luckily, we had a few members of staff there as well. Thank you to all who attended.

Feedback from the people there was that it was a highly valuable presentation and Susan was an outstanding speaker, who told it like it was. The statistics are actually quite alarming, so I do urge parents to access her website and become acquainted with the named sites that you and your child should steer clear of.

Performance costumes

Filming the play will be happening in the last week of November from 29th and 30th so we’ll need the children’s costumes to arrive the week before so I can do a costume check on Thursday 25th of November.

If you are having a problem sourcing a costume please let your teacher know so we can ask others for help.

Have a great week 😊



Time is of the essence as we move through November


Welcome back, our recycled piano and staff farewells