Time is of the essence as we move through November

Time is of the essence as we move through November so I thought I’d put a few dates into this note to clarify what’s happening.

Monday, 15th November

This is the day of the Zoom meeting to talk to last year’s graduates about what their first year of secondary school was like. The link is in this week's newsletter, and I will repeat it in next week’s newsletter, or you can contact the office on 9726 4766 for more details.

Thursday, 25th November

We need to have all school performance costumes for the children at school on this day and checked off as the following Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th of November will be filming the play days.

Graduation Evening - Monday, 6th December

We are hoping to have a picnic outside facing the hall verandah which will become our stage. That way parents can practice social distancing if they need to and we can still have all the children involved. We hope to perform the main musical numbers from our movie and hopefully, you will receive the film via USB input the following week, just before the holidays.

This Week

It’s a busy week this week as we trial new students in three different classrooms, as well as meet some of our new preps for the first time today. We also plan to use the bus again so that tennis lessons can be back at Lilydale courts and next week the swimming program is allowed to go ahead as well.

Have a great week everyone,

Tanya 😊


An update from our new principal


Getting closer to a full return to school, cyber safety and costumes